text graphic that reads "The Feel Better Video Vault"
close-up of man holding smartphone showing Feel Better Video Vault on screen

Explore our treasure trove of step-by-step video tutorials to help you stay pain-free.

Our Most Popular Stretching Videos

man and woman sitting on floor with yoga mat, laptop, and water bottle smiling at each other

Want to know the best (and easiest) thing you can do for yourself?

Just 10 minutes of stretching first thing in the morning and again in the evening. Stretching is also especially important before & after a workout. Watch these 3 videos to get inspired and to learn exactly how and what to do for your best results.

What Happens When You DON'T Stretch?

Remember to drink plenty of water to create glide in your muscles. You should be drinking 96 to 128 ounces per day, depending on activity level, weather, diet, elevation, etc. Build your water intake slowly by 12 extra daily ounces the first week, then gradually increase each week.

Best Morning Wake-Up Stretches

To relieve morning stiffness and wake up your energy for the day, try this easy & gentle morning stretch routine that almost everyone can do.

Best Workout Warm-Up Stretches

To prevent injuring yourself, do this quick warmup before AND after a workout.

Feel Better @ Your Desk

4-Minute Neck Pain Fix

To prevent shoulder tension and headaches, try these easy neck stretches that you can do while seated in your office chair.

Explore the entire Video Vault!


Coming Soon!

Coming Soon!

close-up of pink yoga mat on hardwood floor with yoga props
purple yoga mat on floor with black roller on it
close-up of 3 brightly colored exercise bands

Our Favorite Props

Feel Better

We’ll be sharing links to the tools & props we recommend most often so you can stay pain-free & flexible at home between appointments.

Feel Better

Feel Better

Feel Better

More videos coming soon!

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